The workshop was conducted as part of the Zero Waste Campus initiative under Centre for Self Sufficiency initiated by the Akarma Foundation. This workshop was conducted by Ar. Kaushik Kumar and was the phase 1 stage. It introduced the students to the various processes behind the production and manufacturing of daily use products and spelled out the harms and hazards that are part of the mass production and the exponential growth of consumerism. It also spoke about the hazards caused by improper disposal of waste. The workshop also showed inspiring documentaries and shared anecdotes of people who have taken a conscious step towards environmental well-being.


Cul De SAP 2019 was organized by the third years with guidance from the faculty advisor to the student body, Ar. J. Jeyaradha on 1st and 2nd of Febuary 2019, following an inauguration on the 31st of January, 2019. The theme of the cultural event this year was “Thiruvizha” and it was envisioned as a celebration of the traditional fests. With multiple art competitions, music, dance productions and talent taking stage. With 4 groups, competing out to win the overall championship at the cultural


Induction programs was organised in ordered to welcome the fresher’s students and briefly introduce them to architecture and planning. The students were exposed to regulation, campus environments, architecture course and special lectures on sensitizing students on human values, gender equality, time managements, emergency rescue and fire safety. To nurture creativity in young minds creative activity like dance, music, art, debate were organize and for Physical wellbeing activities like yoga, sports, martial arts etc.


The teacher’s day was celebrated by the students with aplomb on september1, 2019. The students had prepared a bouget of paper flowers artfully made by them. They had also prepared a table lamb with quotes and given this as a gist to all the teachers. On the same day, an event was conducted in which the staff and students participated in various games, quizzes etc. The student association had organised refreshments and some cultural programmes also for this event.